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226 Quakertown Road
PO Box 368
Quakertown, NJ 08868
Phone: 908-735-7929
Fax: 908-735-0368
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Learning to comprehend, communicate and appreciate the culture of the Spanish language

What is the goal?

This is a proficiency-based classroom which means actually internalizing the language, not just memorizing words or grammar rules and taking a test. Rising in proficiency means speaking Spanish as much as possible. In order to learn to communicate in Spanish you must listen, read, write and speak in Spanish as much as possible.

Español Learning Targets

  • Interpretive Listening - I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I listen in Spanish. 
  • Interpretive Reading - I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I read in Spanish. 
  • Interpersonal Speaking - I can ask and answer questions on very familiar topics using memorized/practiced words and phrases in Spanish.
  • Presentational Writing - I can write lists and present information about myself and familiar topics using memorized/practiced words and phrases.



itemsizelast modified
About me.txt011/09/2021 06:54 PM
Grading policy51208/30/2020 10:38 PM